The Laboratory of Micromechanics and Integrity des Structures (MISt) is a «wall-less» laboratory common to CNRS and IRSN. To face problems such as material behaviour under harmful environments, research skills of both entities are get together, represented by the hub of Nuclear Safety Division – Safety Research (PSN-RES) of IRSN located at Cadarache and the Laboratory of mechanics and Civil Engeneering (LMGC) a CNRS-Université de Montpellier joined unit located in Montpellier.
For its 10 years, the MIST organizes the 12-15 October 2015 a Workshop around three of its main thematics :
- multiscale approaches;
- multiphysical coupling;
- cracking.
Each thematic will be treated from a modeling point of view as well as an numerical or an experimental one.
To favorise, exchanges between scientists of different community, several kinds of talks are proposed :
- keynote lectures;
- lectures;
- poster presentations.
English will be the main language of the workshop (but french is welcome!).